

Posted by ミリタリーブログ  at 


Colt 9mm SMG GBB by RealSword発売決定! M16A2も!

RealSword at IWA2014 have announced their release of AR type GBB series with an estimated release date being late-May to early-June!! i'm uncertain about the first hitter, but among those prototypes displayed at the show, what caught my attention the most was their ''Colt 9mm SMG''. 『リアル』なAKの電動ガンで知られるRealSword社はIWA2014において、AR系のガスブロシリーズを展開することを発表し、展示されたどのモデルが一番先かは解らないが、来る五月末から六月頭には販売開始するとのことだ!展示されたサンプルやプロトタイプの中で最も目を引くのは、『コルト9mm SMG GBB』だ。

RealSword ''Colt 9mm SMG'' GBB prototype
RealSword社製 ''Colt 9mm SMG'' ガスブロ プロトタイプ
As you see in the photo above, the RealSword's GBB prototype seems to have the ''bolt forward assist'' that is NOT present in the Colt's original ''model 635'' (Colt 9mm SMG). *photos below for comparison.
Also the GBB version seems to lack the pin holes around the magwell which on a real firearm, drilled through to fix the 9mm mag adopter inside with 3 push pins.
The barrel length also seems bit longer on the replica, and its handguard is ''M4 type'' double shielded set instead of the single shielded ''XM type'' slim set on the real gun. The magazine on the replica seems to be sourced from an UZI design, but the Colt 9mm SMG magazines were almost identical to UZI's in dimensions yet definitely dedicated magazines for their 9mm SMGs due to the mag catch hole added. UZI mags were NOT compatible without the user's modification. **photos also shown below for reference
写真のRealSword社製のプロトタイプにはボルトフォワードアシストがついているようだが、これは実銃コルト製model 635(Colt 9mm SMG)には付いていない。*以下実銃写真を参考
マガジンはUZIのデザインが流用されているようだが、実際のColt製 9mm SMGのマガジンは、UZIのコピーではあるもののキャッチ穴の位置など違ってそれぞれに穴あけ加工無しでは共用は出来ない。**コルト製マガジンの写真も追記しておいた

No forward assist on the upper. Notice 3 push-pin holes around the magwell. 実銃にはフォワードアシストは無い。マグウェルにあけられたプッシュピン用の3穴に注目。

Colt 9mm SMG magazines. Same dimensions as UZIs but NOT compatible/interchangeable with UZIs, vice versa. コルト製9mm SMG用マガジン。UZIとおなじ寸法、構造であるがUZIのものと共用は不可、その逆もしかり。

This will most likely become the first GBB Colt 9mm SMG on the market. I certainly hope RealSword to somehow read my blog and correct above mentioned details on their released products.
Another prototype which caught my eyes was M16A2.
The ''semi-retro'' has long been neglected by airsofters for absolutely no reason. i'm personally a big fan of those OG A2 uppers with fixed carrying handles. Definitely the very last ''infantry man'' style, not a ''ninja wannabe'' like the A4 on the bottom. Oh yea, A1, as seen on top is coming out as well. この銃は市場初のコルト9mm SMGガスブロとなるわけで、RealSword社の方にはどうにかこのブログを読んでもらって、製品版には上記した間違いが正されていることを願う。


HK417GBB by VFC 詳細な写真が公開!!

Umarex at IWA2014 allowed selected press personnels to take detailed photos of their new releases which included the long awaited HK417GBB OEMed by VFC. As i reported in my previous post, VFC has announced that this gun will be available in stores by this summer.

The magazine case doesn't look transparent like real-steel mags, or maybe it is actually, but the internal guts packed inside is making the whole mag looking rather ''black'' in appearance? Does H&K make flat black mags for their 417s?
Magazine top shows a switch for dry-firing mode
Realistic representation of the HK417 bolt group


Thompson SMG GBB KingArmsより近日発売!その他WW2の名銃も発表!

KingArms at the IWA 2014 desplayed their final product sample of Thompson M1928 GBB!!! i haven't confirmed the exact release date, yet officials stated that their ''assembly line is ready and set for full production'', thus we can expect the release before the summer. i will update this post as soon as i catch the further detailed info regarding the release date.キングアームズは IWA 2014にて、完成版商品サンプルのトンプソンM1928 GBBを展示!!詳細な発売日の情報はキャッチしていないが、アセンブリラインは生産に向けてすでに整っているとのコメントもあり、夏以前に発売することは決定的だ。発売日のコメントがとれ次第この記事にアップデートするので、興味のある方はブックマークしといてください。

i believe KingArms Thompson GBB would be the first ''open-bolt firing GBB'' design coming out from a non-japanese brand. 日本以外の国のメーカーからオリジナル設計で出すオープンボルト式GBBは、これが初となるのではないだろうか。

KingArms was known to be developing this GBB Thompson for a quite some time. A leaked footage (shown below) of their test sample circulated within the communities of hard-core GBB fans around the globe. キングアームズ社はかねてからこのGBBトンプソンの開発を進めていたことが知られており、リークしたテストサンプルのビデオ(下記)が、世界中のコアなGBBファンのコミュニティー内でサーキュレートしていた。

Oh, and i think those who appreciated this post would also get very excited seeing the photos below..... ;D
あっ、あとこの記事を喜んだ方々はきっと下の写真群を見てさらに興奮することかと思う..... ;D
YES,,, they've announced their release of GBB M1 Paratrooper Carbine as well as the standard M1 Carbine. i believe these are certainly designed to beat Marushin in every way possible, especially on their price tags....;)
Wait!! i'm not done yet........
イエス!GBBの M1カービン パラトルーパーモデルと通常モデルも発表されたのです!高価で今ひとつ感のあったマルシン製を十分意識して送り出されてくることになるでしょう。価格面でもうれしいものになるかと、、、。

U.S. SpringField M1903, Mauser 98k, Mosin Nagant Sniper rifle
US,German and Russian, These bolt-action classics were announced all together. All are Gas operated.
スプリングフィールドM1903、マウザー 98k、モースィン ナガントの狙撃銃型。アメリカ、ドイツ、ロシアのクラシックボルトアクショントリオが一気に発表されました。すべてガスガンです。  


VZ.58 AEG&GBB 発売決定!

Tolmar d.o.o. of Slovenia has just announced that they will be releasing the world's first mass-produced airsoft replicas of VZ.58 Assault rifle series, both in AEG and GBB platforms!! スロヴェニアのTolmar d.o.o.社から、史上初のVZ.58アサルトライフルのエアソフトを、電動とガスブローバックの両方を発売するとの発表がありました!!

First in line will be the ''vz.58 Carbine'' and the ''vz.58 Compact''. Surprisingly, both guns are already in production with an estimated release date of April-May 2014!! Wait, wait... isn't that next fucking month?? Mad props, Tolmar!! u just earned a Ninja badge, for hiding such an exciting news from us untill just now lol Various accessories and of course, the long awaited military classic, full sized VZ.58 with fixed or folding stock will be available as well!まず先に発売されるのは、VZ.58カービンと、VZ.58コンパクトの治安機関向け短縮型の2機種であり、なんとこれらは既に製造段階であり今年4月末から5月頭には発売になるとのこと!! は?てかそれって来月じゃね?Tolmar社さん『忍者バッジ』獲得!!今の今までこんなヤバイニュースをよくぞ隠しきれたもんだ!! 各種アクセサリー類はもちろん、待望の軍用フルサイズ、固定もしくは折りたたみストック付きのVZ.58も追って発売されるとのことだ!!

As described in the top image, the OEM manufacturer is ARES,therefore the mecha-box on the VZ.58 AEG seems to be equipped with the ARES's mighty FSCU (Integrated Fire Control Unit). no more spitting out of weak BBs from the half-cycled mecha-box i suppose. No info on EBB function as of today (Mar 11 2014).
But anyways, real steel and full-metal GBB lovers like myself definitely need more infos on their GBB version. More details are promised to be announced in a few days, so keep your eyes on my blog for updates.最上部の写真に表記してあるように、OEM生産はARESに委託しているようで、当然メカボックスにはARESのお得意FSCU(integrated Fire Control Unit)が搭載される。半端にサイクルしてマズルからBBが ポロッということがないっつうあれか。ボルトの連動機能については3月11日現在発表されていない。

at last, i recall AirsoftPro in Czech showing their prototype VZ.58 GBB back in 2012. As they officially commented ''this is just a prototype, we're no way near planning of the release, but maybe in the future'' we certainly felt like our heart being played. Below are AirsoftPro's VZ.58 GBB videos. 最後に、、そういえば、本家チェコにあるAirsoftProというメーカーが2012年頃にVZ.58のGBBプロトタイプを制作し、ビデオを公開していた。出来の良さに期待した人々を尻目に「これはあくまでも一品モノの試作品で、発売などは考えてもおりません、まあもしかしたら未来には、、」との公式コメントに、残念がった方も世界中にいたことと思う。以下はその2012年のAirsoftPro VZ.58 GBB試作品のビデオ。

The relationship between this AirsoftPro's prototype and the announced Tolmar VZ.58 GBB is unknown. However, the only ever ''Custom AEG Body kits'' for VZ.58 were produced by AirsoftPro, in a very limited number of course. So,there's a small possibility that these two GBBs are related to one another. このAirsoftPro社試作品と、今回発表されたTolmar社のVZ.58 GBBバージョンとの間に、何らかの繋がりがあるのかは解らないが、過去に唯一存在した『電動VZ.58キット』なる製品も結局AirsoftProが極少数生産したものであり、もしかしたら今回発表のTolmar社製版GBBにもその血が流れている可能性もある。とにかく、情報が来次第お伝えしようとおもう。


got a lil' question for my international viewers

hit counts are growing pretty well these days even though i just started this blog like 3 months ago.
i'm trying to write all my posts in both English and Japanese as much as i can, but it surely is time-consuming.
i'd like to apologize my international visitors for certain long posts i've made here (such as custom airsofts and real-steel shooting reports) still being written only in japanese.
Please understand that its just my least attempt in keeping my blog posts in rather ''compact'' or ''smartphone-friendly'' package, while informatively appealing to the current majority of geeky viewers here=japs.
Upon your requests, i'd however add English captions on those specific posts. (i've already done this for my SAS CRW and UK 2 PARA loadout posts), so just msg me if any.

Oh, and while i was re-editing the blog template, i've realized that militaryblog's default anti-spam setting was denying ''any comments written primarily in english alphabets'' !!
i was like, WTF? why would they do that?
i guess it deals with japanese folk's general lack in foreign language skill = not being able to cope with the real WorldWideWeb.... such closed society and its islandic culture....smh

NEways, here's the question for my dearest international viewers,

''What genre of informations from Tokyo airsoft scene(or from me) would you appriciate the most???''

events in and near Tokyo metropolis? gaijin-accepting teams? gun shops&surplus stores? brand new japanese guns? or OG retro japanese guns(such as 70's-80's cap-firing modelguns and perhaps, 80's airtank-powered ''BV'' airsofts maybe)?

Your feedbacks are greatly appriciated!!