We are THE DOOR-KICKERZ, the one and only bilingual JapAmericans and foreigner based airsoft team located in a heart of Tokyo metropolis. The name says it all, we specialize in CQB, premium CT gears, weapons and all kinds of modern-ninja tactics!!
Our leader is a 28yr old Club DJ from New York City, obsessed with dangerous firearms and stinky military surplus ever since he was born, currently geared up with GENUINE British SAS ''black kits''. Oh, and he likes ''black chicks'' too! lol
Due to his profession as a DJ, we'll be having regular team-meetings at clubs in Shibuya, so please DO expect some fist-pumpin typa fun as well! Otherwise just join us at our bi-monthly door-kicking pleasure! *game infos are updated here in our blog!
International students and ex/current armed forces personnels very welcome. We speak fluent English, Japanese and, well... not-so-fluent French as well. The only language we don't ever speak is the ''Zombies''. Don't act a bro, call the HIT, always!
THE DOOR-KICKERZ Recruit Requirements:
Must be 18+, peace-loving and well-mannered.
Must speak enough English. this is an airsoft team, not a language school or a dating club for Roppongi sluts.
Must use Japan-legal airsofts (320FPS or lower with .20gBBs).
Your interests in CQB-style gears and CT tactics is a huge plus.
Contact me with the brief info about you and your gears. oh, and some photos as well! :)
都内を中心に活動する、外国人や日系人、帰国子女を中心とした日英バイリンガルCQB軍団、THE DOOR-KICKERZのブログです。ゲームや訓練レポートだけではなく、日本国内ではなかなかお目にかかれないレア装備や銃の紹介、最新海外製品のスクープ、チューンやパーツ情報、CLASS-3(フルオート)を含む実銃の射撃レポートなど、国際派集団ならではのコアな情報をブログしていきたいと思います。
Fucked up doorz around the world