HK417GBB by VFC 詳細な写真が公開!!
Umarex at IWA2014 allowed selected press personnels to take detailed photos of their new releases which included the long awaited HK417GBB OEMed by VFC. As i reported in my previous post, VFC has announced that this gun will be available in stores by this summer.
The magazine case doesn't look transparent like real-steel mags, or maybe it is actually, but the internal guts packed inside is making the whole mag looking rather ''black'' in appearance? Does H&K make flat black mags for their 417s?
マガジンケースは実銃の半透明と違い真っ黒にみえるが、実はちゃんと半透明で内部マガジンによって黒く見えているのかもしれない。ちょっと写真では判別できない。むしろHKは黒い417用マグも作ってるの?Magazine top shows a switch for dry-firing mode
マガジン上面にはドライファイア用スイッチらしきものが見える。Realistic representation of the HK417 bolt group
The magazine case doesn't look transparent like real-steel mags, or maybe it is actually, but the internal guts packed inside is making the whole mag looking rather ''black'' in appearance? Does H&K make flat black mags for their 417s?
マガジンケースは実銃の半透明と違い真っ黒にみえるが、実はちゃんと半透明で内部マガジンによって黒く見えているのかもしれない。ちょっと写真では判別できない。むしろHKは黒い417用マグも作ってるの?Magazine top shows a switch for dry-firing mode
マガジン上面にはドライファイア用スイッチらしきものが見える。Realistic representation of the HK417 bolt group
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VZ.58 AEG&GBB 発売決定!
HK417 GBB by VFC 夏に発売が決定!!Out on Summer 2014!!
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Colt 9mm SMG GBB by RealSword発売決定! M16A2も!
Thompson SMG GBB KingArmsより近日発売!その他WW2の名銃も発表!
VZ.58 AEG&GBB 発売決定!
HK417 GBB by VFC 夏に発売が決定!!Out on Summer 2014!!
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